Monday, December 19, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hello there! Welcome to (or back to) my newly edited blog site. In an effort to help encourage others, I've decided to get back in the blogging business. HA HA. Well, it's almost the end of another year and time to start thinking about what we can do in the new year. We need to start focusing on taking not just better, but the BEST care of ourselves, so that we can continue to help and care for all the friends and loved ones in our lives. Remember with out "us", they wouldn't be who they are today!

Anyway, here are my top items for 2012:
1) Do something spiritual every day. Read a few chapters in the bible, pray, meditate, help others.
2) Keep moving. Walk, stretch, or do some form of exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
3) Eat healthy. No more skipping meals. Use the new juicer at least once daily.
4) Restart blog. Ha ha just did that, didn't I?
5) Continue and finish writing my books
6) Get back to my arts and crafts. Oh I miss them...

Ok, well that's my list. What is YOURS??
Get started and feel free to share your list by commenting on this blog. Information from others is knowledge!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! My goal for 2011 is to be a kinder and more thoughtful person--in almost every way . . . to myself and to others, spiritually, and materially. I'm re-training myself to think about consequences: Does what I do help or hurt, wound or heal, shine light or cover with darkness? In 2012 I will becoming the kind of person that cancer could not beat; anything less would be a wasting this precious gift I've been given. It's called my life. Kevin
